
List of publications and preprints


  1. A Burchnall-Chaundy-Krichever Theory for Fractional Differential Operators.
    submitted to J. Eur. Math Soc. (with Emil Horozov, Plamen Iliev, and Milen Yakimov)
  2. Matrix valued discrete-continuous functions with the prolate spheroidal property.
    accepted in Commun. in Math Phys (with Alberto Grunbaum, Milen Yakimov, and Ignacio Zurrian)
  3. Reflective prolate-spheroidal operators and the adelic Grassmannian.
    2023 Commun. Pure Appl. Math arXiv preprint. (with Alberto Grunbaum, Milen Yakimov, and Ignacio Zurrian)
  4. Algebras of commuting differential operators for integral kernels of Airy type
    2022 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications (in memory of Harold Widom) (with Alberto Grunbaum, Milen Yakimov, and Ignacio Zurrian)
  5. The matrix Bochner problem.
    2022 American J. Math arXiv preprint. (with Milen Yakimov)
  6. Bivariate cont. q-Hermite polynomials and quantum Serre relations.
    2022 J. Algebra Appl. arXiv preprint. (with Stefan Kolb and Milen Yakimov)
  7. Reflective prolate-spheroidal operators and the KP/KdV equations.
    2019 Proc. Natl. Acad. of Sci. USA pub. link and arXiv preprint. (with Alberto Grunbaum, Milen Yakimov, and Ignacio Zurrian)
  8. Integral operators, bispectrality and growth of Fourier algebras.
    2019 J. Reine Angew. Math (Crelle's Journal) arxiv preprint. (with Milen Yakimov)
  9. Elementary examples of solutions to Bochner's problem for matrix differential operators.
    2018 J. Approx. Theory arXiv preprint.
  10. Quantum Algorithm Implementations for Beginners.
    arXiv preprint.
  11. Ensemble-based global ocean data assimilation.
    2013 J. Ocean Modelling pub. link (with Balu Nadiga and Philip Jones)

Submitted Preprints

  1. The symmetric 2x2 hypergemetric matrix differential operators.
    2019 arxiv preprint.
  2. A connection between orthogonal polynomials and shear instabilities in the quasi-geostrophic shallow water equations.
    2017 arXiv preprint.
  3. A new spectral clustering algorithm.
    2017 arXiv preprint.(with Balu Nadiga)